5 thoughts on “Dominic talks sediments”

  1. Thanks for that Dominic.
    To all the team, I’ve been reading a lot more around what you are doing, how you are doing it, the technical and engineering effort, and what it means to science. I didn’t realise that so little was known about life in such conditions. I knew there was life where there is water but didn’t realise just how much ‘life’ is up against it in such an extreme environment. Exciting stuff, better than going to the moon !
    I won’t have internet access over the next couple of days, honestly, I can hardly wait to get home and switch on the computer to see how you are all doing. All the best, I expect Christmas is nothing compared to how much you are enjoying working. 🙂

  2. A very clear explanation of sedimentology! And yes Annette, it’s all very exciting and there are so many enthusiasts, both laymen like me and scientists, following this exceptional feat of science and dedication by the Lake Ellsworth people. They are all in our heart.

  3. Hi Dominic
    That is very interesting. Will you be looking for a thermal gradient in the sediment?

    Fascinating to watch and hear what you are doing. Keep going now. Hope the boiler doesn’t throw another wobbly.


  4. Tks for the update Dominic.
    Sounds like whichever sample retrieval method you select only a small amount of sample will be collected.
    So can you repeat sample runs to collect deeper sediments?

  5. Hi Dom.
    A good explanation of your work!
    Sorry to hear that you have ceased drilling – a real shame, but I suppose that is one of the inherent risks of working in such extreme environments.
    Take care

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